
Micro-Inverter is MICRO! Good ideas for you

Micro-Inverter is MICRO! Good ideas for you

28.Nov 2012
| Blog

Micro-Inverter is MICRO! Good ideas for you

With Micro-Inverter it is easy to make even very small installations. You can have a solar project with just ONE solar panel. This is not possible with the ordinary central inverters that usually have 1.5 kW or more power.

Now you can start from just one panel. This is the ideal solution for the GridFree projects.

GridFree means that you generate a part of the energy directly on your own and you reduce the consumption from the grid. The more you generate the less you need to take from the grid. The less you take from the grid, the less you pay to the grid-operator (utility company). The money that you save this way is your profit from the GridFree installation.

The basic GridFree principles:

  1. Generate the electric energy on your own and use it directly at your location
  2. Never feed your own evergy back to the grid: your energy is for you, not for the grid
  3. Save money by your own generation of the energy, not by paying to the grid operator

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